The game is going very well. I just got a new job and when I am not there I am working on the game. I have been letting my friends kids do a lot of the directing of what should happen. this is mainly because they seem to like it the best, and they get really excited. I have been really struggling trying to find the right sounds, and music has been an issue. I think I know what I want to do for music, I want to use my brother in-law's music. I just don't want music that makes people go crazy because they have to hear the same annoying beat the whole time but at the same time I want something upbeat and fun. I still need his permission though. A big hang up at the moment is I asked some artist friends of mine if they wanted to feature one of their characters in the game to promote themselves, and I still haven't received any of them nor do I know what the characters are so it is kinda hard to work them into the story. this I really my own impatience and excitement because there is plenty else I can be working on. I put in a new character a little blue beaver( I just noticed today I have a fascination with making my characters blue) here are some new screen shots.

this first one is more to show the font I am using, what do you think?

I have also started an AGS games in production post on the AGS forums check it out.
and as always I would love to hear any feed back on the game. what you all think and if you have any suggestions. and now I am off to work on my game.
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