I have to say I really love puppets. when I was a kid I marveled over how amazing these foam creatures where. I was really a big fan of anything jim henson did. I have not made a puppet in some time but I was rummaging through some old art trying to get my hard drive in order and I found some pics of puppets I did. so I thought i'd post em'.

my friend Jen Blando took this in high school I made the above on a snow day from school

this is a classic sock puppet that I made with film canister cap eyes

this one is made from the film canisters. and I rigged a zip tie to open the duct tape hinge. this guy was my favorite I used to take him in my pocket.

this one isn't a puppet. but it is a plush I sewed for my buddy David beyer jr. from his comic the twisted adventures of stinko. it was fun to make. his name is red bean. check him out on myspace( http://www.myspace.com/beyerbewareproductions)
well if I find more puppets I did I will post em'.
These are fantastiC!
weird...but admired...
I remember seeing pictures of those puppets before. They are really awesome. I am also a HUGE Jim Henson fan. Vaudvillian humor + puppetry = awesomeness.
thanks for your comments, "fantastiC means much from you hobo, considering your a genius in your own right"
I thinks I should make some more puppets
That's really cool!
I think you should make some more puppets too.
Did you see 'Puppet Up'? It was awesome like being at the Muppet Show.
Thanks for your comment also.
never heard of puppet up. but I am now off to check it out
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