Wednesday, June 18, 2008

hard drive CRASH!!

the title says it all. I had all my work backed up when I moved here onto 1 hard drive . I tried to make copies onto a working drive so I would have actual "back ups" but there was not enough room because I had like 5 years worth of work on it. I just got through organizing the hard drive, and was about to get a new one to have back ups of everything. but then one fateful day I turned it one and it smoked. and now is dead. I am ok though, hopefully this will be the challenge that takes my work in a new and exciting direction.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

video game update.

The game is going very well. I just got a new job and when I am not there I am working on the game. I have been letting my friends kids do a lot of the directing of what should happen. this is mainly because they seem to like it the best, and they get really excited. I have been really struggling trying to find the right sounds, and music has been an issue. I think I know what I want to do for music, I want to use my brother in-law's music. I just don't want music that makes people go crazy because they have to hear the same annoying beat the whole time but at the same time I want something upbeat and fun. I still need his permission though. A big hang up at the moment is I asked some artist friends of mine if they wanted to feature one of their characters in the game to promote themselves, and I still haven't received any of them nor do I know what the characters are so it is kinda hard to work them into the story. this I really my own impatience and excitement because there is plenty else I can be working on. I put in a new character a little blue beaver( I just noticed today I have a fascination with making my characters blue) here are some new screen shots.

this first one is more to show the font I am using, what do you think?

I have also started an AGS games in production post on the AGS forums check it out.

and as always I would love to hear any feed back on the game. what you all think and if you have any suggestions. and now I am off to work on my game.

Friday, April 4, 2008

video game update

The game is going well. I seem to just continuously add more stuff and want more characters. I have enlisted some help from my friend David Beyer to put his character red bean in the game and I also asked my sister and brother in law to draw up some characters, oh yeah and I am also putting in a character drawn by a 9 year old kid. I keep growing the idea probably because it wasn't really well thought out in the first place. I honestly didn't think I would be able to pull as much off as I have. Thank the Lord. It has been tough scripting a whole game having never scripted before but I sure am learning lots and lots. Well , this was just an update. I welcome all comments and or suggestions on where I should be heading with this considering I am sorta just making it up as I go along.

this is just some of the characters I put in the game so far. I am gonna really try and get a video capture soon. so you all can see how it plays. if you want to see screen shots look down a couple a posts.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

angry cop

this is a picture I did today. let me know what you think. it was just a scribble that turned into this . it may not be done it may be.

Friday, March 28, 2008

my POINT n' CLICK adventure game!

I always wanted to make a video game. When I first started working in flash I thought this was the answer, but I always had trouble getting into action scripting. I don't know what it is I just have had problems staying interested. I tried many times with C and other various languages but I got so sick of typing “hello world” I thought I was gonna go crazy. (anyone who has read book on scripting knows what I'm talking about) A little less than a month ago I heard of a program called “adventure game studio”

I love it. The thing I really like is that it is more gratifying than just scripting something from scratch because you are working with an engine with some pre defined functions that are common in lots of games. You have to check it out, I couldn't explain if I tried. I am still having some minor issues with scripting my “if” statements but I am still interested and better yet determined to finish this game. The forums are real good for questions with a good search function. My absolute favorite is that the engine is for old sierra and lucasarts games, these point and click adventures. I loved these as a kid and played them for hours. Sam and max, search for the king etc.... this is just another outlet for me to proclaim that 2d is not dead and we will never let it die. I recommend you check it out. If there are any artists out there that are interested in making a game in the future with a focus on awesome 2d art with a 40's-50's cartoon feel let me know. I am really just doing this as a project to realize the scope and work involved in making a game. But I have a feeling that if some of us 2d cartoon lovers put our skulls together we could come up with a real nice game that says 2d still gots it!

I actually based the entire game off this picture I made. I thought she was cute and simple
one of my main artistic focuses was the backgrounds. I wanted that old school cartoon chalky, painted look. I will say old yogi bear was my greatest infulance.
I liked the reflection on the water

this was my first dialog test.
I couldn't post this without giving props to alien hominid a game where 2d prevailed in a world of 3d graphics. this game was a real inspiration and hilarious to play.

I would apreciate all comments and suggestions for game. so don't hesitate to let me know what ya' think.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

night time doodles

drawing puppets sure isn't as fun as making them

just a doodle

I love puppets

I have to say I really love puppets. when I was a kid I marveled over how amazing these foam creatures where. I was really a big fan of anything jim henson did. I have not made a puppet in some time but I was rummaging through some old art trying to get my hard drive in order and I found some pics of puppets I did. so I thought i'd post em'.

my friend Jen Blando took this in high school I made the above on a snow day from school
this is a classic sock puppet that I made with film canister cap eyes
this one is made from the film canisters. and I rigged a zip tie to open the duct tape hinge. this guy was my favorite I used to take him in my pocket.
this one isn't a puppet. but it is a plush I sewed for my buddy David beyer jr. from his comic the twisted adventures of stinko. it was fun to make. his name is red bean. check him out on myspace(

well if I find more puppets I did I will post em'.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

some stuff I been working on

here is some stuff I been working on since I been in florida. when I look at it all I think is EMO, don't ask me why.

just like the first day of school.

well here I am that awkward new kid. As much freakin' time as I spend on the internet I decided I should get a blog. Really for no other reason than to be one of those nerdy 25 year old men commenting on cartoon blogs and maybe meeting some other people that dig on cartoons. I love to draw, and really want to make cartoons. I learn most all I know off blog sites so I thought what the heck.